Kits > Wire-Terminal-Kits > Heat-Shrink-Butt-Connector-Jars

Heat Shrink & Crimp Butt Connector Jars

Del City stocks a variety of heat shrink butt connector jars that feature an assortment of connectors to meet all of your mechanical and automotive wiring needs. Below, heat shrink and crimp butt connector jars can be found in 75-150 piece options and contain either an assortment of connectors or specific gauge sizes including 20-18 gauge, 16-14 gauge, and 12-10 gauge. Each jar is fitted with a flip top opening to quickly and easily pick the terminal you need.

  • Heat shrink is adhesive-lined and color-coded to industry standard wire range.
  • The translucent, gauge printed heat shrink allows for visual inspection.
  • Rated to 600 volts maximum, building wire; 1000 volts maximum, 105° C.
  • Item 891 contains 30 pcs 22-18 GA, 50 pcs 16-14 GA, 20 pcs 12-10 GA.
Item Description Price
1+ I Ext. Price I 2+ Ext. Price I
Qty in
In Stock Add to Cart
891 NSPA, Heat Shrink & Crimp Butt Connector Jar, 100pc, Assort, 22-18/16-14/12-10 Gauge (1 MIN) drawing
48.78 48.78 I 43.04600 43.05
1 EA
8911 NSPA KS5-16-SH, Heat Shrink & Crimp Butt Connector Jar, 150pc, Red, 22-18 Gauge (1 MIN) drawing
69.70700 69.71 I 61.55100 61.55
1 EA
8912 NSPA KS5-14-SH, Heat Shrink & Crimp Butt Connector Jar, 125pc, Blue, 16-14 Gauge (1 MIN) drawing
57.82600 57.83 I 51.01600 51.02
1 EA
8913 NSPA KS5-10-SH, Heat Shrink & Crimp Butt Connector Jar, 75pc, Yellow, 12-10 Gauge (1 MIN) drawing
56.23200 56.23 I 48.26200 48.26
1 EA
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